Correction! It’s red!

This just in!

Who woulda thunk it. 😉 That’s the higest resolution colour photo of another planet ever taken. Go Spirit!
In other news, we drove to Durham today to pick up a chest of drawers that was donated to the cause (i.e., our apartment’s cleanliness) by my good parents. It was fun to transport. Next on the list of Things To Get From Other Cities in North Carolina, my sister’s Mazda 626, which she is giving us. It is located in Charlotte. Stay tuned for the next adventure in Secondhand Stuff!
The new cat, Luna, just leapt onto the keyboard. She must be eating her Wheaties, because just yesterday, she was only able to scale my computer chair into my lap by sinking her claws deep into the flesh meat of my thighs and pulling herself up. I am glad for this development.
Off to watch Gigantic: A Tale of Two Johns, which we received for Christmas from a very dear friend. While I’m away, if you could put your hand inside this puppet head for me, I’d be much obliged.


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