I just thought I’d mention Wil Wheaton’s blog site, which I frequent. It’s nice to know that the majestic geek survives and that our nerdy legacy shall live on. Here’s a blurb from his latest entry, entitled “see the world from shore to shore.”

“So where should we start?” I said. My answer came in the form of Nolan running toward the biggest SUV I’ve ever seen. Seriously. It was a few feet shorter than a Star Destroyer.
I caught up with him as he climbed into the back seat.
“Wil! Look at how much room there is in here!” He said as he bounced and extended his legs to barely touch the back of the seat ahead of him.
“Yeah, but the power to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of The Force.” I reminded him.
He looked at me with a furrowed brow. “What?”
“Sorry,” I said, “I was having a nerd moment.”
“Oh, good. I hope we can have lots of those today.” He said, dryly.
“I find your lack of faith disturbing.” I said, and twitched my fingers.

Check it out. And, yes, this is Wil Wheaton of Wesley Crusher fame. I always liked Wesley, but I hear I’m the minority. Huh.


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