It’s all over. I got home from driving Natania to work, and it was a feat. North Carolina drivers are not the best on icy roads, and I think the city of Greensboro has two snowplows, maybe. Work should be interesting tonight.
The cats are getting along well, though Luna’s poops are rather horrifying. She’s been nibbling on some of Minerva’s chow, so I put the older cat food on the shelf for the time being, and both cats can eat the kitty stuff for now. And Minnie is playing with a piece of paper from the trash can right now. To think we just bought her a new toy, and all she really needs is rubbish.
Miles flies in tonight at 9:48. We shall have fun, I believe, with the homebrewin’, the video gamin’, the Lord-of-the-Rings-Monopoly-playin’, and the couch-destroyin’.


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