Tonight I will be keeping

Tonight I will be keeping my eyes pried open with toothpicks (or strong iced coffee) in order to play bluegrass and old timey music for the Gate City. WUAG is UNC-G’s student-run station, and I have a show that runs from 11pm until 1am. Entirely too late, considering I must be awake by 7:30am for work. The summer will bring a better timeslot, but until then I’m stuck in my purgatory. We got a new console in, and suddenly, as of last week, we have a streaming webcast (which can be heard with WinAmp, RealPlayer, Windows Media Pooper, and even iTunes). So take a listen at 11pm-ish, and leave me a comment below if you actually hear my silky (tired) voice on the Intarweb airwaves.


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