Here For Good

I don’t want to move again, friends. If I never explore the world, and I die in Greensboro, North Carolina, it’ll be because of June 1st, 2004, a date which will be imprinted on my memory forever.
Needless to say, we were not quite as prepared as we had previously believed. By around 1pm on move-in day, we were sitting around the old apartment, wondering where all the folks who had offered up their moving services were. Eventually, they showed up, we rented a U-Haul, called in reinforcements from Durham (thank you, Mister Kirby) when things were looking down, and after four trips from old place to new, we had moved all of our stuff.
What a traumatic experience. We’re still living in boxes. I was so sore the day after that I called in sick. It’s just one of the hardest ordeals to go through. But we’re done, and now we’re on to the slightly more enoyable part of putting our home back together. Pictures will surely come.
Some good links this week:

Back to work tomorrow. The weekends are far too short these days…


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