Thanks to Alana and a random algorithm that deigned to bestow upon her some invites, I can now be reached at AN UNDISCLOSED GMAIL ACCOUNT WITH THE USERNAME OF C Z E C H dot H A R R I S O N. No fair that plain ‘ol czech@ was taken was too short, but I’ll settle. Au revior, Yahoo.
I must be lame, because I’m way too excited about this free email account I just snagged. Maybe I’m just excited about the one gig of space, but deep down inside, I realise how dumb that is. Still excited, though.
We’re off to the Public Library downtown to hang out with some of the drifters, and also to borrow some of those book things. I do hope the librarians at our local branch have not recently been forced to shelve fifty-seven copies of “Three Mo’ Tenors.” If so, I shall pity them with much gusto.


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