
I’ve been reading Douglas Coupland’s Microserfs, and it’s making me painfully nostalgic for the days of trumpet winsock and the bbs. I remember the first time I “talked” to another live human being with my keyboard, and how exciting gopher and MU*s and surfing the World Wide Web via Lynx was. World Wide Web is something you don’t ever hear anymore. It’s just the Web. Of course it’s worldwide. What else would it be?
There was something amazing about the whole act back then, and now it’s just so everyday, like cable television and video cassette recorders. I’m not sure if the moment of inspiration passed, or if I was simply blinded by the light of something new.
For some reason, the Senate Judiciary Committee wants to make sure that nothing innovative comes out of the U.S. electronics industry. In this shocking mock complaint against Apple, Toshiba, and C-Net, for inducing the infiringement of copyrights, the Electronic Frontier Foundation shows how the Inducing Infringements of Copyright Act that Orrin Hatch wants passed will really affect consumer electronics. If this whole deal sounds like something with which you are not down, then by all means mention it to your representatives.


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