Our cat, named Luna, swallowed an amount of thread from the Persian rug in our living room. Until earlier today, we just thought that she was having trouble passing a hairball. Then we saw that there was a length of thread coming out of her anus. We took her to the emergency vet tonight at around 11:30, and here we are, back home, a little more than an hour later, and we don’t have our cat any longer. Surgery was far outside of our price range, and the other treatments would most likely have just prolonged her suffering, so at around 12:25am on Saturday, July 10th, we put Luna to sleep.
I never realised how attached I was to this cat until tonight, while I sat worrying about her fate. Now it’s too late. She was a beautiful kitty who hadn’t quite made it to adulthood, and we were looking forward to seeing what she’d be like fully grown. She loved us a lot, and there was never a time where she didn’t possess an overabundance of affection. She loved food, too, and gobbled it up whenever she had a chance, edible or not. A stupid and senseless way to go, but what can you do? She was a cat and nothing more. Nevertheless, we loved her a great deal, and already our apartment feels empty without her presence.


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