Nerds Go Wild!

Much time has passed since we last spoke, friend.
…is how I would open an entry were I a character in a Dungeons and Dragons game. Which may come to pass, because I’ve been invited to join a local campaign. It meets bi-monthly, on Sundays, for seven hours. I’m a little nervous, to be honest. It’s been awhile since I played pen-and-paper, and I’m unsure about my dorkdom. I mean, what if I’m not uncool enough?
We got back from the annual Jarrell Family Beach Week, and I must admit, I had a grand ol’ time. It’s great to see the entire maternal line in one geographical place. Not much to say about Topsail Island, though. It’s a bit more commercialized than it once was–three of those big chain beach stores (Waves, Wings, and Eagles, I think) all within the same mile stretch–but it’s really just sand, water, and seashells. And a whole lot of relaxination.
Before that, Natania and I went down to Atlanta to visit Miles and Laura. Lots of money was spent on alcohol, and we watched both The Jerk and Orgazmo. It was good to be with friends. We even played golf-frisbee in Candler Park. That’s not frisbee golf, either. That’s golf, with some frisbee thrown in when you get bored of hitting the ball.
My untitled novel project, which up until now has existed in longhand, contained within a journal of mine, seems to have taken on a tentative title. I’m typing it up, too, and switching to word processing. Writing by hand is a bit too much for me, I think. For the moment, it’s called Suspension of Belief, although I’m sure that’ll change in time. I’ll be sure to post something when I get to a proper stopping point.
Read Stephen King’s Song of Susannah during holiday. Very intriguing. Stephen King died in 1999, you know. Hit by a van. Tragic, really.


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