Concerns of a Ford Galaxie

Progress is being made on the novel. That’s really all I have to comment on, at the moment. A black Cadillac in the story, which plays a rather important role, has become, instead, a black Ford Galaxie. Why? Because I saw a Galaxie on the way home from work today, and I liked it. People ask writers where they get their ideas. It’s kind of boring, that place where ideas come from. It’s a lot like everyday life.
I’m reading Bag of Bones for the third time in my life. It is a good book. For whatever reason, Stephen King’s author characters are the best. Finally, Natania is going to tackle American Gods, which I own in first edition hardcover (signed by the author), and I commend her on it. I like the book immensely and I think it will inspire her greatly in her own endeavors.
In other news, I want an iPod. I will have one. Mark my words, Batman. Mark them well.
Seriously. Here’s a pen. Write them down. Good. There’s a good Bat. Okay.
Give my pen back. Now. Aww, c’mon.
Always with the damn Bat-a-rang. Bastard.


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