It’s been awhile, I know. A very tough week, all in all, but it’s nearly over. Our new cat, Odin, continues to shit on the floor. We continue to try and condition him to love the litterbox, it is your friend, it will not hurt you. Things are getting very frustrating with that entire situation, and if we can’t get him to learn to defecate inside the box, then we may have to give him away.
He has a small sore on his footpad, which may or may not be a claw trying to regrow. If I could find the assholes who declawed him–both front and back feet, mind you–I’d give them a stern talking-to. Antibiotics haven’t helped the wound much, so Odin may just prefer to stay out of the litter because it hurts his paw. But would that explain why he chooses to use it every other time? He pees in the thing every time. It’s only one out of every two poops that make it on the floor. I caught him crapping outside of it this evening, and he was just sitting right beside it, maybe a foot away, squatting and staring at the box. When he’s inside, he just walks in, poops right near the entrance, and jumps out.
I feel very bad, because my frustration with cleaning up cat shit from our floor every goddamned day is starting to make me dislike Odin a good deal. Anyone want a broken (and I don’t mean house broken) cat? Damn. Thought so.
It’s off to Lake Hartwell this weekend, to visit the family. Nothing quite like a hurricane to bring everyone together.


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