It’s Not Odin’s Day…

… It’s Saturn’s Day.
We took him to the shelter today. It wasn’t pleasant, but I guess it shouldn’t be. I’m not deluding myself with any false hope for the cat’s survival. I just wish it didn’t have to be like this. When Luna died so abruptly back in July, we just knew that we had the room and the facilities for a new cat. And we decided to get a five year old cat, because we knew the kittens get snatched up and the older cats aren’t quite as lucky. We just didn’t look him over enough… he was declawed on both ends, and there was a wound on his foot that we found weeks afterward.
Really, we did what we could. And we didn’t succeed. I can’t beat myself up over it anymore.
So we’re at home right now. My most recent project has been ripping all of my CDs into iTunes. I’m going all out, because I finally feel like this is a program that reflects the way I like to organize my music. The plan is, in a few months, to get an iPod, and an external hard drive, and then I’ll never have to lug around a stupid case of CDs again. It’s weight off my back.


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