New Things In The Life

From an email I just sent to my parents:

I’m sure I didn’t tell you, but Natania’s mom is visiting for the weekend. She brought all the address book stuff, so we’ll have the addresses you need for the rehearsal dinner to you by Monday at the latest.
We bought a new couch today! Totally amazing story. We went out to some yard sales this morning, and the first one we stopped at, they had a sofa and chair set. And they were selling them for $75! So we put some money down for ’em, and went to go find a truck to rent. Unfortunately, we couldn’t locate one. Home Depot was all out, and the UHaul place up the street was all booked. So we went back to ask if the folks could hold onto the couches until tomorrow, and they offered to bring the couches over to our house! Turns out the guy was a professional furniture mover… so a couple of hours later, he shows up with his step van, and he even helps us get the stuff into the apartment. Talk about luck. Check ’em out:
Our new couches
Also some big news… Minerva has been nuts lately, without a friend, and because we have the room and all the equipment, and most importantly now, with Natania’s new job, the time, we decided to get another cat. We stayed away from the older ones, and no declawed kitties… so, without further ado, here’s the newest member of the Barron/Harrison household. Her name is Jolie, which means ‘pretty’ in French:
Jolie the kitty kat
Jolie again
Love ya’ll. Hope you’re doing all right.

Michael Harrison

(who may be reached at
(or during the weekdays at

So, yeah. We got a new cat. Minerva was going crazy without someone to play with, and the apartment was pretty empty. I know that we had to surrender Odin just last week, but we’ve got the means, the space, the time to take care of cats… I don’t feel guilty about it. Maybe just a little. But at least little Jolie has a home now. For that, I’m happy.


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