That Is That and This Is This

Doing laundry now, and trying to write on this, my night off. I paid all the bills for the month and it feels good to know that I won’t get any late charges. We’re getting an account with the State Employees Credit Union, and that will feel good, because I’ll know that instead of BB&T’s ridiculous $32 overdraft fees, it’ll be a trim $12 every time I screw up the accounts. Which should be never, but if shoulds were coulds, I’d be out of the woods.
Work was awful today and the only thing that kept my going insane was the fact that I am not in prison. Also, we’re heading to the mountains and the New River State Park for some reprieve from civilization this weekend. I am planning on reading a bit, fishing perhaps, and, if at all possible, drinking beer from cans cooled in the river itself.
We saw Garden State on Friday, after a very excellent (for me) sup at the new brewpub downtown, Natty Greene’s. This place is named after the city’s namesake, Nathaniel Greene. I had the Sir Charles sandwich, which was sashimi grade tuna steak with Vidalia, wasabi, and soy sauce, on a roll. I wants it again, and again, and again. Tuna is so delicious when thrown on a grill for just a minute or so, and still red and juicy in the middle… plus, it takes about half the time to make it to your plate, and into your belly.
Oh, yeah… Garden State. Go see it, if you like Wes Anderson movies, and The Graduate. I read a review saying that it was too “derivative,” but I totally dug the style. I love subdued humor. And non-subdued humor. I like humor.
I’m going to go and eat some ice cream now. Next post will include photos from the trip to New River this weekend.
And everyone, have fun searching the infinate abyss.


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