Emergency and I

Just dropping a note so no one worries.
On Monday, we got news that Natania’s dad was in the hospital. He was unresponsive, and running a fever, and there was a chance that meningitis might be the culprit. Anyway, I zoomed out of work and back home, and we decided that Natania would head to Massachusetts to be with her family, and that I would hang around until I could finish up some things at work.
Thanks to the ever-amazing folks at Southwest Airlines, we moved Natania’s ticket for next week (i.e., the wedding ticket) to Monday, and rushed through RTP traffic on I-40 to get her to the Raleigh airport in time. With that successful, I went and unwound in Durham with a friend, and she bounced around the Atlantic states in an aeroplane. I gave her my iPod, which I hope she used to ward away the Icky Travel Blues.
So here I am, at home, and she is up in Massachusetts, not planning for the wedding, but waiting to find out if her dad is going to be all right.
And it’s only Tuesday.


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