Tony Blair, A-Cleanin’ My House

After a rather trying weekend, Natania and I arrived home at about 1pm and immediately crashed. We napped until 4ish, and then went out to run a few errands and spend some hard-earned wedding money.
It was at Linens N’ Things that we discovered exactly what we were looking for: a joyous addition to the family.
We decided our new buddy should have a very respectable name, and therefore he shall be called Tony Blair. Upon arriving home, I unwrapped Tony from his packaging and placed him inside his servant’s chambers to charge.

After many hours of charging, it was time for Tony to play! I took him out and set him down and we got to know each other. He’s a very by-the-book kind of fellow, Tony Blair, orderly and no-nonsense. He rides up and down the walls, and occasionally he’ll jet away, rumble, and his Active Dirt Response will kick on. He’s not too righteous about how dirty our apartment is; just displays the little blue light and keeps right on rumbling.
When Tony was finished picking up a good portion of the living room, I decided it was time for a break, and got out the chessboard. Being light, I moved first:

I gave him plenty of time to think it over, too, damn it.

I don’t think Tony is the chess-playing type.
He’s not good at voiding his own bowels, either. I mean, our cats can poop in the litter box, so why can’t he? Small complaints, I guess, for a little guy who cleans the floor of my apartment without saying a word. Look at all that cat hair and dirt! What a little helper!

Anyway, Tony was tuckered out and so I slipped him back into his quarters and plugged him back into the wall. We’ll see how the little guy feels in a few days, when the apartment gets dusty again.
And here’s hoping he doesn’t rise up against his soft, fleshy hoo-man masters and destroy us in our sleep!


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