Back to Busy

Whole heaps of stuff has happened, and I’m not really going to go into detail. My father-in-law is doing better, I made it to Massachusetts in one piece, and when I came back, I was still in one piece, though that one piece had doubled, according to North Carolina state law, and the tax code, to encompass one Natania Harrison n?e Barron as my wedded wife. So, yes. We’re married (at least according to our greater family and friend network) and that’s over, and we can continue to live pretty much in the same we were living before, albeit with a nice windfall of gift checks and fancy new stainless steel appliances. I love Natania dearly, and have for quite a while; now I have a piece of paper, and the church’s good blessing, saying that I’m allowed to giggle with her beneath our sheets when the lights go out. For this, I am happy.
At the moment, it’s work work work. I keep meaning to get a portfolio together for all the nifty things I’ve done so far under the employ of the Greensboro web design firm that I work for. One day I shall, and will be made a bit more useful. I also completed my one class of the semester, and angels rejoiced, and the heavenly host sang Abba, and I sauntered–nay, strutted–down the street back home and plopped down on the couch and played Xbox with my wife (oh yeah, that sounds so hot. Xbox with my wife.)
We go to Scotland for our honeymoon on January 10th. Every day until then is just an obstacle.
This weekend, it’s off to Charlotte for Christmas with the sibling. Maybe I’ll find some time before then to write a bit more.


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