Winter Is Here?

Could’ve fooled me. As most folks blogging throughout the southeast are noting, it’s about seventy bloody degrees outside. This is our New Year, and it’s balmy and there’s nothing outside that even hints that Old Man Winter has taken up residence. As someone who loves the cold weather, I’m fairly annoyed. I prefer to bundle up at least a little bit during this time, and I expect to see my breath in January. It’s just something that you get used to, y’know.
My Christmas was fun, as I hope yours was. I won’t go into detail, other than: played with my stocking-stuffer Nerf gun way too much, wore a new robe, found some places to send my scribblings, and watched a couple of great movies. Plus, more. My sister-in-law’s boyfriend showed off World of Warcraft, which Natania and I promptly went out and bought. Two copies. And we play together. Which, yes, is incredibly dorky, but also an insane amount of fun. Penny Arcade made some really funny comments that were incredibly topical to us this past week.
New Years consisted of a couple of friends coming over to the humble abode, where we chatted, played Duck Hunt on the NES (which I finally set up, after nearly six months of being moved in… from here on out, I shall proclaim that a house is not lived in until a Nintendo Entertainment System is hooked up to a television within. Them’s the rules.), and drank some bubbly. Nothing big, but after the past couple of months, a weekend of very small things, and not moving about very much… that was just what we needed.
Anyway, we’re running around this week, getting ready for our trip to the United Kingdom this weekend. Four days, and we’re gone. We’ll take lots of pictures, I assure you, and I’ll try to pop on from time to time if we can.


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