Aquarius: Abandon Hope for Future Plans

This weekend was pretty darn cool, if I may say so. I’m sure that Natania will, at some point, update with news of her talk at the NC Colloquium in Medieval and Renaissance Studies. It was a very informative conference, and I must admit that showing Natania around Duke was exciting. The keynote speech, about the Lime Street naturalists of Elizabethan London, was about as interesting as scientific history gets. And even my mother and aunt found the four graduate students’ pieces (Natania’s included) to be interesting enough; shipbuilding as seen through the gauze of gender studies, however, is fairly disturbing. I daresay that I will never look at a mast the same way again, and if I do see one, I’ll make damn sure to keep it as far away from my fundament as is humanly possible.
I stayed home sick today, because my throat felt bad and because I felt like a day off. Things at the ol’ job-eroni aren’t going all that hot, thanks to an untimely promotion of another staff member, and some more of the news we received whilst in the Triangle region of our grand state has made my entire existence at Greensboro Web Design firm #5 somewhat shaky in my own head.
You see, if we have our way, we’ll be living in Chapel Hill come June 1st. Our way will be hard and wrought with much instability and job-seeking, but we’ve got a really wonderful opportunity to take up residence in a relative’s three bedroom home (house, even! With yard and neighborhood and basement!) for cheaper than our current rent. For those counting, we’re in a small two bedroom apartment in Greensboro, with hardly any storage space and no yard whatsoever.
We wouldn’t make this decision based upon storage area and lawn size, of course. First, there’s school. Natania has one more semester at UNC-G, and then she’s going elsewhere for her PhD. Hopefully, she gets into Duke. This is highly possible, I believe, with some of the things that went on at the Colloquium. Even so, she has a great chance of acceptance at Chapel Hill, as well. So, there’s one reason to get the move on.
Second, I know I can find a job in Chapel Hill. I’ve been told that ibiblio is hiring web developers, and there are, apparently, many freelance opportunities for someone with my background. And I can always get a job at Visart again, god forbid.
There’s a bus stop about twenty yards from our (future) front door, and bus transit in Chapel Hill is free. No money. It costs nothing. There’s even a route that goes all the way to Durham, in case Natania does get into Duke.
So… things are changing. I’m keeping an eye out. And we’re already starting to get rid off stuff, to pack stuff up, and to look around.
Wish us luck.


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