I Should Be Ashamed of Myself

I haven’t written anything here in over a month. One of the best things I can do for myself, to keep myself sane and to keep my writing ability at least in some amount of shape, is to unload my feelings onto a blank slate. Usually, this is that blank slate, but as of late, I’ve been writing a lot of personal and story notes into my Moleskine while on off-times at work. That is it, however, and usually these notes consist of things like “What is in Agent Binghaus’ trunk?” and “Scott Hewler – Beaufort Scale” and “List o’ NPR stations,” which is to say, nothing of substance. So, over the past year-and-some-change, I’ve grown accustomed to airing my (sometimes petty) thoughts on this little weblog-a-doo-dad. Lots of things have kept me from it throughout January, and I will detail them in hopes of figuring out how I can better get my ass connecting with my seat, and my fingers a-tappin’ at the keyboard. After all, we don’t want Michael to go mad, now, do we?
Two weeks of January were spent in England, and it was an excellent time. I won’t go into much further detail right now, because it’s not in me to write a full-length exploration of our honeymoon. Besides, we took a lot of photographs, and as soon as I copy them over from Cuthbert to Muninn (Natania’s and my computers, respectively… hers gets a link only because mine was constructed by me and me alone, and is therefore too unique for one) and into brand-spankin’-new Picasa 2, I’ll post ’em to the web, along with a commentary/travelog with both Natania and me. So, look forward to that, if you’re into that sort of thing. It’ll be like the couple coming into your house with their hulking photograph album and detailing their honeymoon, day by day, hour by hour, second by second… except, we won’t be troubled by having to come to your house. The Internets have made it okay to be lazy!
Speaking of lazy, the reason why I haven’t really lifted much of a finger in the ways of writing or study or creation of any kind (except for delicious heavy armor kits and succulent Crocolisk Gumbo) is, pure and simple, World of Warcraft. Damn Blizzard and their beautiful game. It has eaten up a large portion of my free time, as of late, and there doesn’t appear to be an end in sight. The world is stunning, and the gameplay is probably the best I’ve ever seen. Despite my formative years spent in text-based MUDs and MUSHes, I never trucked much with MMORPGs. I thought the idea was fantastic, but the delivery always seemed a bit off. I think Blizzard has rushed in and perfected the genre, much as they did with real-time strategy games, and the result… is all I want to do with my free time. I even dream about the damn game!
This weekend, I plan to do four things, and four things only. Number one, work on getting the photos from our trip into a viewable format for posting on the web. Second, write another three or so pages in the sequentual art project (read as: comic book) that Filby and I are sorta-kinda working on. Third, we’re going to Lowes or Home Depot and buying shelving, because when two book lovers get married, they do not immediately start having children. Instead, their books co-mingle, and then baby books are born into this world (i.e., my living room and office) via literary storks or possibly tiny bookish uteri, and they begin to overpopulate, and because their owners are kind-hearted and couldn’t even begin to consider culling the population, they must be provided with low-cost housing. In this case, it will be along the wall of the office. We hope the book boom will end soon, but it doesn’t look hopeful.
Oh. Fourth? As if you need to ask.


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