The Internet is Teh R0x0r

I came home from work yesterday and because of our plans for the upcoming months, decided it was time to find some jobs and send out some resumes. You know: the lamest, most annoying, suckiest activity known to man.
So I went to a few websites, found some classifieds, and then I was at a website for a design firm in Raleigh, filling out their online application. After an hour updating my cover letter and resume, I cut-and-pasted, then clicked ‘Submit.’
Before I went to bed, I checked my mail. ‘Lo and behold, there was a response from the owner of the company. He was asking me to clarify some items in my application. I shot off an email, doing so, and this morning, he’d replied.
I have an interview on Saturday. Time to get my portfolio updated. Hot damn.


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