Coupon Codes and Finally Getting Things Done

There’s a site we do at work for a cookie company in the Carolinas (ahem) and they’ve got a promotion in effect now for a certain line. So, the marketing “boss” tells me, over the intraoffice IM network, to just pick something random for the coupon code. Someone gets the code, they choose what they want to buy, then they enter in said code and get a discount. You’ve probably seen these before. The codes are usually something like JD42349 or PQ95845 or whatever.
So I picked SF94784 or something, right? Random series of numbers, and the letters signify the promotional line of baked oblong dessert treats.
He comes over, sighs, with the other marketing dude. “I dunno. Can’t it just be a word?”
“Yes,” I say. It can. It can be a word. It can be anything he wants it to be. But he told me to make it random.
“Can it be just ‘SUGAR FREE‘?”
“Yes, but no spaces. ‘SUGARFREE,’ yes. ‘SUGAR FREE,’ no.”
“So make it that. SF94blahblahblah or whatever, that’s too long. Why didn’t you make it something people can remember?”
I turn back and stare at him.
“Because. You. Said. Random.”
I must deal with these things daily…
Anyway, in other news, we’re definitely outta Greensboro in June, and into the house in Chapel Hill. I am officially seeking employment in the Triangle, and it shall be part-time. Because school will take up full-time. I am excited about this.
Also, there was a honeymoon in January, believe it or not, and here’s proof.


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