I gave my two weeks notice on Monday. My boss was surprised and disappointed, which I suppose is better than delighted and pleased. I can tell she’s not happy about my decision, but she’s doing her best to keep a good face. Everyone else is sorry to see me go, but the cow-orkers with whom I’m closest wish me only the best. My immediate supervisor and “cubie,” to use the official parlance, seems to be somewhat jealous of my ability to just drop a job and go back to school willy-nilly. He’s asking me all sorts of questions about it. In a way, it’s making me more and more excited about the future ahead.
This future that I speak of involves boxes, and the filling of said boxes with my life. Then the transporting of the boxes 50 miles eastward into our new home. In addition, the future includes painting five rooms in various shades of color, and a visit from the mother-in-law. We’re back in Chapel Hill this weekend, for to fix the house and to tame the yard. Next Friday, I’ll no longer be employeed in Greensboro, and by the end of that weekend, we’ll no longer reside here either.
Here’s to the future. The future that lies beyond boxes and manual labor.


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