More Photos

Natania’s mom came up this weekend to help with the preparation of the new house, and we took some more photographs. The garden was tidied up (though “gutted” may be a more appropriate word) and we painted the rooms inside. The guest bedroom needs another coat, and there’s lot of trim work to be done, but for the most part, we’re just ready to move in. Which we shall be doing this coming weekend. Because Friday is my last day of work. Then I’m free for two weeks, one of which will be spent in Massachusetts (sadly, no home games while we’re there) and the other in getting our house together.
You’re all invited to the housewarming! We’ll pick a date in June, and if you’re in the mind for some burgers and ‘dogs, and a few bottles of (perhaps) (home)brew, then come on ’round, y’all.


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