Slowly, we’re getting our stuff to Chapel Hill. The end of the month–and of our lease–is fast approaching. It seemed so far away, and now it’s not. This is the way that life works. It is, after all, what happens when you’re busy making plans.
I called in sick on Friday because I wasn’t feeling well. My friend, Geoff, came into Greensboro, riding Yoshi, our old Civic, and we had too much to drink on Friday night, awoke earlier than I wanted, but later than I should’ve, on Saturday, and went to Chapel Hill to show off our future duds. We also purchased some gardening supplies and a charcoal grill for the beautiful back porch (which was, incidentally, constructed by my very own father). Not for lack of trying, we didn’t get the chance to introduce the grill to fresh meat. This momentous occasion will take place next weekend, when Natania’s mother comes down to help us warm the house for our imminent occupation.
My aunt and uncle, who are so kindly offering the place to us, also went along to help us with paint. They bought us enough to cover the square-footage we need, and probably a bit extra. It’s going to be a big job, but we’re looking forward to it.
So, after some much-needed yardwork, we grabbed some supper in town, then drove back to the Gate City.
Tomorrow, I give my two weeks. It’s liable to be ugly. Wish me luck.


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