Author: Michael Harrison

  • Happy 1st Year, Chapel Hill Comics

    When I moved back to the Triangle from Greensboro, I grudgingly closed up my box at Parts Unknown and forgot all about comic books in the hustle-and-flow of the Big Relocation. Every single time we’ve gone for a stroll down Franklin Street, though, I’m drawn to the big blue awning next to the Mediterranean Deli…

  • Weekend, We Hardly Knew Ye

    The weekend is here, and almost half gone. Today was a whirlwind of going to bed too late (yes, we went to bed late enough to consider it today), waking up too late, and then rushing off to Kinston for a cousin’s wedding. It was a quick thing, but good to see the family. We…

  • The End…

    I have officially reached The End of the Internet. Waiting to go pick up the wife, I’ve been browsing for what seems like ages. And I think it’s time to go read a book.

  • My Apologies

    I really can’t express how annoyed I am with the way the Livejournal feed treated my archives, unloading them all into everyone’s Friends list like so much dump-trucked manure. The worst should be over, but, again, I’m really, really sorry about that. First I make you re-add me as an LJ syndication, and then I…

  • Welcome, Liam

    Looks like the new addition in August will come complete with block and tackle. Everyone, say hi to Liam. He was an active little fellow today, showing off for the camera as it were. Quite limber, too. Again, I can’t stress how excited I am to meet the little guy.

  • Firefox Extensions

    For the record, here are the Firefox extensions that I cannot live without like to use. I went through a bit of a culling, and realized that while some of the add-ons were desert-island favorites, and others were just kinda cool. This is assuming that the desert island has wireless, of course.

  • Hey Ever-y-body!

    Welcome to the new blog. If you’re a LJ-er, just add the user czechharrison to your LJ friends list, or login, go to, and search for my RSS feed (, then add that syndication to your friends list. You can also go to and then choose to add it.

  • The Weather Outside is Frightful

    How could these two be so different? Or, rather, how could my Google Personalized Home be so off. This has been a rather annoying trend, as of late. How am I supposed to trust you with my private data, Google, if I can’t even trust you to give me accurate weather information! I mean, come…

  • Ecrivais dans le cahier

    Natania got me one of the new moleskine cahier packages, and much like two years ago, when she first introduced me to the brand in the form of an extremely thoughtful Christmas present, it has spurred me on to write a bit more. They’re perfect for stashing around the house and office in various places.…

  • La Machine a Caca

    Found this on one of my regular RSS feeds, Parent Hacks (which I’ve been reading religiously, in addition to my new copy of The Baby Owner’s Manual, to prepare for impending infantitude… they even posted a link I sent in about the Read to Me Program) and though I’m not sure it’s quite appropriate for…