Author: Michael Harrison
Oh my God. I got the job. I can’t believe I got the job. They’re “extending an offer” to me, via email right now. I got the job. I’m just… speechless.
Neverending Math Equation
After nearly two months of not having my mp3 collection on my computer, thanks to a ceaseless sojourn from hard drive to hard drive, OS to OS, window manager to window manager, I have managed to summon my tunes from the ether. Read as: I got them from the zip disks and CDs where they…
Barren Stares
As I’m growing older, I’m bored. I remember when misery thrilled me much more. I was about fourteen when I first heard Ben Fold Five’s self-titled. It came out on Caroline Records, home of my pre-adolescent favorites, The Smashing Pumpkins, but Folds, Sledge, and Jessee were different. They were local boys, straight out of Chapel…
Hear No Evil, See No Evil
Apparently the Bush administration feels it needs to protect the deaf and hard of hearing from Sabrina, the Teenaged Witch. This is astounding. Over 200 television shows, most of them cartoons, dramas, and sports events, are being cut from the U.S. Department of Education’s closed-captioning list. Here are the blacklisted shows, and check out the…
To the Highest Bidder…
I’m standing in front of the mirror and I feel ridiculous. Wearing a suit is always alien. I think of David Byrne in Stop Making Sense and pull off the tie. Gotta get it right. The interview is in forty-five minutes. I want to leave in fifteen. Half an hour will give me time to…
In the Old Fourth Ward, where Martin Luther King, Jr. strolled down Sweet Auburn Avenue and John Wesley Dobbs made the place shine, there’s a restaurant–nay, a muncheteria–called Jake’s. Inside, I stood staring at a picture of a young black girl, no older than eight, embracing a white girl, younger and smaller. The elder child’s…
I know, I know. Stop linking, Michael. Give us some original content. Oh, I will. As soon as I get home from work, a certain thing that has been unfinished shall be completed. Until then, you should read Adam Greenfield’s Ikeaphobia and its discontents over at v-2. Here’s a tasty bit-sized sample: You know what?…
Here in my car, I feel safest of all…
I can lock all my door. It’s the only waytolive. Yeah, so we’ve been looking at getting a car loan and possibly financing a new used car. What a pleasant surprise that Mr. Wheaton linked to Boing Boing, which linked to This Fantastic Article on You need to read it: I could only answer…
White Stuff
Weird. It’s really cold outside, 20 and dropping, and there’s all this white stuff falling. Can anyone give me a hand with this? It was like 55 degrees yesterday, so there’s no freaking way that it’s snow, is there? Anyway, I’m going to make some coffee, eat some Malt-o-meal toasted honey oats, and beat Prince…
Hypertext IF
Casey linked to a very interesting, very fun hypertext piece on interactive fiction that she composed, I’m guessing, for an Interactive Narrative course. I do hope she doesn’t mind my linking to it. As a veteran MUSHer and, before that, a pretty avid IF player, I’ve always been amazed at the possibilities–and frustrations–of the medium.…