Author: Michael Harrison
Destroyer of Cars
“I mean, if you think about it,” I said, chuckling and grinning like an idiot, “We got a free car for the price of a coolant hose.” These were the words that tempted fate and destroyed a car. In five mintues, their speaker (me) would have a burnt-up husk of a vehicle with no working…
WOW!! Good job! You know as much about Middle Earthas I do!! Finally, someone who knows MiddleEarth! Most people think they know everythingthere is to know about Middle earth just bywatching the movies! HAH!! well keep up thegood work! ( I wouldn’t be surprised if you arelearning elvish!! ) RATE MY QUIZ!! *~* The TOUGHEST…
Geek Humor
I just thought I’d mention Wil Wheaton’s blog site, which I frequent. It’s nice to know that the majestic geek survives and that our nerdy legacy shall live on. Here’s a blurb from his latest entry, entitled “see the world from shore to shore.” “So where should we start?” I said. My answer came in…
Good Versus Evil
We’ll take a break from my current posts, which are detailing something I experienced just the other day whilst at work. Instead, we’ll focus on the fact that I have been ruined. I am broken. And I blame Bill Gates. You see, I was weaned on the sour milk of Microsoft’s sagging, dusty teat. My…
My hard drive bit the big one yesterday, for the final time. I could have waited, ordered one online, and saved some money, but I was impatient and ended up going out and buying a new one at Intrex for about $80. Now I’ll never have to worry about HDD space. Miles convinced me to…
It’s all over. I got home from driving Natania to work, and it was a feat. North Carolina drivers are not the best on icy roads, and I think the city of Greensboro has two snowplows, maybe. Work should be interesting tonight. The cats are getting along well, though Luna’s poops are rather horrifying. She’s…
The Vet
We took Luna in for her checkup today, and it started off as one of the best veterinarian experiences of my life. Woke up at 8 to get her there by 9, and it all went smoothly. She took her booster shot like a pro, and her fecal test went well, but I guess when…
Correction! It’s red!
This just in! Who woulda thunk it. 😉 That’s the higest resolution colour photo of another planet ever taken. Go Spirit! In other news, we drove to Durham today to pick up a chest of drawers that was donated to the cause (i.e., our apartment’s cleanliness) by my good parents. It was fun to transport.…
Computer Ishes
It’s not fun. Ol’ Muse (the name of my three year old PC) is kicking the bucket, I’m afraid. Random BSODs, refusal to boot up… these things are not typical of a working machine. And the sheer chaos of their timing signifies to me that it may not be a worm, but that my motherboard…