Author: Michael Harrison

  • Respect the Day Off

    Nothing quite like sleeping until noon, waking to your sweetheart, and heading out for a belated anniversary lunch. We wanted sushi, as we’ve not had any for a great while, but it seems that every single sushi bar in Greensboro observes the Sunday sabbath. So, instead, we hit up the Old Town Draught House for…

  • Happy Birthday, Prof!

    Today is the 112th birthday anniversary of Professor John Ronald Reuel Tolkien’s birth. Last year at this time, I told a certain person that I loved her, and we started on the most wonderful relationship ever… the one to rule them all. It’s our one year anniversary, and to celebrate, we’re off to rescue a…

  • Welcome to Minnow Brook

    Remember through sounds Remember through smells Remember through colors Remember through towns With fear and fascination On what was here And what’s replacing them now. Interchange plazas, a mall, And crowded chain restaurants. More housing developments go up Named after the things they replace. So welcome to Minnow Brook, And welcome to Shady Space. It…

  • Massachusetts

    It’s where I am, at the moment, and the reason I’m not posting very often. I had a very wonderful Christmas, and we’re coming along with plans for the wedding. Things up here are cold in climate but warm in spirit. I love New England very much. Perfect place for the holidays. More when we…

  • Onward Ho

    I just changed the oil in my car, and checked all the fluids. I think I have a pretty severe oil leak, and the steering is getting to be very harsh. The ball joints seem all right, but I’m no expert. I am very concerned over this matter, seeing as I have to drive to…

  • Return of the King Reviews

    I think this is a fairly apt sum-up: Tycho said: “I predict that you will be knocked clean on your ass, in the absence of mercy, pounded by raw craft and quality for the film’s over three hour duration… At one point, I covered my gaping mouth with the Hordes of the Underdark manual. Yes,…

  • Awestricken

    That’s what I am. Peter Jackson has done the impossible, I think. Just utterly amazing. See it, as if your life depended on it. It will move you. This much I know.

  • Subject Goes Here

    I’m just testing out this little LiveJournal client, seeing how it works and whether or not it’s something I should stick with. I suppose it’s cool, typing my junk into a program window as opposed to my browser, but… not that cool. In less than an hour, I’ll probably be sitting in the svelte velour…

  • The Best Shizzow on Tizzelevizzision

    I just saw Liv Tyler on Letterman and that reminded me. We bought advance tickets to the midnight showing of The Return of the King tonight. So, yeah, we’ll probably be watching it with all of the really scary folks. Still, the stuff in RotK is probably my favorite of the book, so I’m really…

  • Tarte au Sucre, Part II

    Miles called me with the news that he’s beaten hell out of his whopping courseload at GT. I know how much he worked for it, and he deserves the night of boozin’ and gamin’ at Casey’s little soirée. But as I was chatting with him on the phone, the smoke started pouring forth from our…