Author: Michael Harrison
Free “Let’s Get It On” MP3 Download
Wow. Amazon is offering a free download of Marvin Gaye’s “Let’s Get It On” for Valentine’s Day: I’ll admit it: this is one of my favorite songs of all time. Pick it up for free at Amazon.
Fat Wolverine Will Devour You Whole
New York Comic Con Originally uploaded by muckster
“Today” Has Been Stuck In My Head
Ever since we’ve been playing Rock Band 2 religiously, nearly every single night, I’ve been getting most of the songs from the game’s track list stuck in my head. Right now, it’s “Today” by the Smashing Pumpkins: null
New at GeekDad: 10 Geeky Gifts for Under $10
If you’re looking for inexpensive gifts to get me for Christmas (and aren’t you?), look no further than my latest at GeekDad: 10 Geeky Gifts for Under $10: Sure, geeks love expensive gifts. But if you can’t afford a Hadron Collider for your geek this year, let alone a flying alarm clock or netbook, consider…
New at GeekDad: Store-Bought Supplements for your D&D Game
In my ongoing quest to discover new and fun ways to make my new D&D 4E campaign run as smoothly as possible, I’ve run the range from amazing free fan-made supplements to store-bought purchases from my FLGS After investing a little hard-earned scratch on some of these fun toys, I’ve found a few products that…
Camping Gadgets for the Geekdad
Spring has sprung for most of the country, and here in North Carolina, that means it’s time for camping. Time to pull the tents and backpacks out of the attic, dust them off and air them out. And since Father’s Day is only a month away, it means dropping hints so that you can weigh…
Must-Install Mac Software
This is mainly a list for myself, so I know what to download the next time I need to reformat. I’ll be adding to this, I’m sure. Perian: Perian is a free, open source QuickTime component that adds native support for many popular video formats.
Disposable Plates and Cups Do Not a Good Parent Make
Gag me with a (disposable) spoon.
Authors@Google: Michael Pollan
Fantastic talk by Michael Pollan, the author of In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto and The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. Direct link to YouTube