Michael Harrison's Homepage
Posts about the World Wide Web and technology in general.
About Me
Hello. I’m Michael Harrison. How do you do? I live in Raleigh, North Carolina. I am a husband, father, writer, developer, web analyst, gaming geek, sf geek, comic book geek, music geek, movie geek, beer geek… I guess I’m just an all-around geek. I am a core contributor to Wired.com’s GeekDad blog, where I usually write about board games and RPGs. Here are all my posts, if you’re interested. There are also a number of articles of mine at the for the ROI Revolution blog, where I used to write about some of the issues I faced as a Google Analytics Certified Professional. At home, I chase after my son, Liam, and try to be as helpful as possible to my wonderful wife, novelist Natania Barron, who writes really awesomesteampunk and sf stories. For more information, check me out on Twitter. I have an account for my GeekDad stuff (@oldbie) and one for my analytics stuff (@theharrison).
Picture of the standing desk, for reference.
Aug 9, 2011
Michael Harrison
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